Friday, December 11, 2009

What should I do? My favorite lipstick just broke in the tube. Can I fix it?

I really don't want to have to drag a lip-brush around and don't want to buy a new one (it's expensive). Help!What should I do? My favorite lipstick just broke in the tube. Can I fix it?
Stick a tooth pick in the middle of the half that is in the tube, then stick the broken off half on top of the other half of the tooth pick that is sticking out. This should do the trick! I do it when this happens to me and it works great!What should I do? My favorite lipstick just broke in the tube. Can I fix it?
They were all great ideas! Thanks you guys! Report Abuse

mash it down a bit to 'stick' it back on. then when applying ,only bring it up as high out of the tube as you need to so it won't break off
Place broken part in a small zip lock baggy, use a libstick brush to glide over the side of libstick, a lipstick brush is also a good way to dig out the last bits left in the bottom of you favorite stick.
by a new one
put the broken part back in the tube apply a little pressure so that it sticks to its original position. then keep it in the deep fridge. that will cause it stick together. and from now on keep ur lipsticks in the fridge. they won't melt and break off.
you should try letting it melt a little. not alot.
no there realy isn't a way to fix ur favorite lipstick ! just buy a new one of ur favoite lipstick !
i saw my gf do this once. put a drop of honey in the tube and put the broken tip back in, let it sit for 2 hours.
you can smash it down back into the tube and use a lip brush I know u dont want to do that but you will be able to still use it.
They sell little pots in the cosmetics department at drug stores, or at art supply stores. Scrape it into there, and you can just dab it on with your finger.
get a cute, small, pocket size container (pill cases can hold several colors of leftovers from other tubes as well), smash the color into it, and use a lip brush to apply
great answers... stick it in the fridge after setting it back together...

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